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HG Contextual Intent

Buyer intent data with context enabling hyper-targeting for Go-To-Market teams

shorten the path-to-purchase

Buyer intent Data with market-leading technology insights

Access to best-in-class, quality data with the HG Insights Signal Scoring Model to provide quality data with signal strength calibrated.

  • Broad coverage across companies, industries and countries/geographies across all revenue ranges and employee bands
  • 9 million+ companies and 4,000+ topics in over 200 countries with location resolution in over 250 metro areas within the United States
  • Actionable Insights to shorten the path-to-purchase and contribute to higher sales productivity
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HG Insights
powerful analytics from 12M+ companies

find prospects and engage them early in the buying journey

Custom, complete, and contextualized B2B intent data so you can target prospects and engage them early in their buying journey. Key features:

  • Flexible Deployment – Sophisticated enterprises who work with internal business intelligence and analytics teams use HG Universe to access our dataset in a format they can easily manipulate and import to other repositories
  • Powerful Analytics – Technology intelligence like installations, spend values, account scores, and more, drawn from over 12 million companies and cover nearly 10,000 products from 4,000 vendors
  • Ease of Use – A painless data distribution process to meet your organization’s needs, which reassesses content on a weekly or monthly cycle
ready-to-query data

Subscription Options

Data scientists, marketers, operations leaders, analysts, and decision-makers can tap into this ready-to-query data from HG Insights. Available globally to customers through:

  • HG Universe data subscription
  • Snowflake Data Marketplace

Trusted by Global Business Innovators

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