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What is HG Insights?

What is HG Insights?
What Is HG Insights

HG Insights Delivers The Most Comprehensive Technology Intelligence In The World To Enable Better Business Decisions

Our go-to-market Technology Intelligence gives you and your team a deep understanding of what technology products your accounts and prospects have installed, what they spend on them, what the terms of their contracts are, and if they are looking to buy so they can be engaged early in their buying journey.


HG Universe

License large portions of our core data set to help you deliver more accurate models, forecasts, and trend reports so your sales and marketing teams can be more strategic in their B2B outreach and make better business decisions.

HG Platform

Analyze global industries, markets, and companies with our self-serve online platform. Find opportunities with the highest propensity to buy and match your Ideal Customer Profile in every market.

HG Market Intelligence

Reveal your optimal TAM, SAM, and SOM with access to best-in-class data on your market landscape to size opportunities, track competitors, target opportunities, and win deals.


Uncover 120 million installed hardware and software products companies are using, including those behind the firewall.


Track 32,000 IT software and service contracts for a granular view of what enterprises are spending on specific IT areas.

Functional Area Intelligence TM

Predict where detected technologies are used on both a departmental and location specific-level within an organization.


Profile 12 million global organizations and forecast 120+ sub-segments of IT spend at a global, regional, and country level.

Contextual Intent TM

Use 2 billion intent records each week to identify accounts that are ready to buy your product or solution.

Cloud Dynamics

Understand cloud product adoption and spend for improved targeting.

Comprehensive and Accurate Intelligence

HG Insights uses advanced data science to process billions of unstructured digital documents to produce the world’s most sophisticated Technology Intelligence, IT spend, technographics, contract intelligence, and intent data.


What | 15K+ PRODUCTS from 7K+ VENDORS

Where | 120K INSTALLS across 192 COUNTRIES


Smarter Business Processes

At HG Insights we believe the real value is in the intersections of data, enabling smarter processes and more strategic business decisions across your entire organization, including C-suite, sales, marketing, and product teams. By cross-referencing IT install, spend, contract, and intent signals, alongside our core spend and Technology Intelligence data, HG delivers the best go-to-market insights available in today’s market.


HG Insights enables your entire organization with comprehensive and accurate Technology Intelligence. You can leverage one of core solutions, HG Universe, HG Platform, or HG Market Intelligence, as well as any of our add-on solutions, to develop smarter business processes and optimize your go-to-market strategy across your organization.


About HG Insights

HG Insights, the provider of data-driven insights to 75% of tech companies in the Fortune 100, is your go-to-market Technology Intelligence partner.

We use advanced insights into Technology Intelligence — on IT spend, technographics, cloud usage, intent signals, Functional Area Intelligence, contract details, and AI maturity — to provide global B2B companies with a better way to analyze markets and target prospects. Our customers achieve unprecedented results in their marketing and sales programs thanks to the indexing of billions of unstructured documents each day with insights into product adoption, usage, spend data, and more to build high-resolution maps of activity across an organization’s entire digital infrastructure to power business decisions with precision and confidence.

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