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About HG

The Number One Authority In Technology Intelligence In Any Market

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The world's most advanced
data-driven insights

HG is the ‘Holy Grail’ of data-driven insights and we help business innovators Go-To-Market with confidence, capture market share, and scale with velocity.

Refined from over 20 billion unique sources, our insights empower you to accurately size your markets, efficiently allocate your resources, prioritize accounts, target the right prospects, increase revenue, and act with confidence.

Our Purpose, Vision, and Mission
Purpose (why we exist) – To empower companies and their business innovators with actionable insights to ensure success; Vision (what we aspire to be)– To be the definitive authority in technology intelligence; Mission (what we do and for whom) – Relentlessly discover and deliver technology intelligence innovations to improve business outcomes.


Data is the world’s most valuable resource, but data without insights is just noise

Uncover market, competitive displacement, and complementary opportunities by capturing contract and spend insights, interrogating installations, and identifying buyer intent

Annual losses due to poor data quality in U.S. businesses
$ 0 T
of CEOs worry about quality of decision-making data
0 %
HG Insights Support
accelerate customers time to value

You don't need more data, you need more Insights

Make Technology Intelligence Your Strategic Advantage


is the shape, size, and share of my market?


are my ideal customers and how do I target them?


should I allocate my resources most efficiently?


can my solution make the biggest impact?

Go-To-Market With Precision And Confidence
75% of Tech Companies in
Fortune The 100 Use HG Insights

Arming business innovators with objective insights to make the best decisions

Data-driven insights to fuel actionable, and highly effective, execution strategies for Go-To-Market motions

Where are the greatest opportunities for growth?

How do we protect and grow our market share?

Where should I allocate my resources and plan sales territories?

How can we increase pipeline velocity and conversion rates?

What would make our teams more effective?

How can we shorten our sales cycle and improve conversion ratios?

What technologies does a prospect have installed?

Which accounts have the highest propensity to buy?

When, and how, should I engage prospects or existing accounts?

We Help You Reach Revenue Goals

Empower Your Strategy, Product, Marketing, and Sales Teams With Industry-leading Insights


Understand Your Market's Shape, Size, and Share

Revenue Ops

Create Equitable Territories to Keep Your Reps Happy
and Closing More Revenue


Identify, Score & Target
Your Ideal Customer Profile Accounts


Personalize Your Account Strategy with
Competitive Intel, Spend Forecast, and Buying Center Insights

Celebrating Our Success

Flexible Integrated Solutions

Make Technology Intelligence Your Strategic Advantage

Trusted by Global Business Innovators

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