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TAM & Market Analysis

Insights to Expand Your Total Addressable Market

target your ideal accounts

Accurately analyze the total market demand for your product or service

Total Addressable Market is the first step toward identifying your Ideal Customer Profile and increasing your revenue opportunities

Global Targeting
understand complex markets

Target Markets With The Most Potential

Our unique referential entity set enables strategy teams to analyze and understand complex competitive, technology, and financial dynamics of markets across the globe.

analyze displacement potential

Uncover Opportunities To Displace Competitors

Gain valuable insights into your competitors’ installed base and analyze the markets where there is displacement potential. Identify potential partners by seeing which complementary solutions are prevalent across global markets.

Prospects with highest propensity to buy
optimize resource allocation

Turn Budget Into Revenue

Develop data-driven strategies that ensure proper resource allocation based on revenue potential. Increase productivity by identifying best fit products and messaging for better aligned sales and marketing campaigns.

align sales & marketing efforts

Find Global Opportunity

Quickly identify and size the revenue potential of global markets based on the relevant budgets and technology profiles of the companies they are comprised of. Prioritize and align your sales and marketing efforts to drive alignment and efficiency.

What Our Clients Say


Accelerate your customers time to value with the power of data-driven insights

Schedule a demo with one of our solutions experts to see how you can use HG Insights at your company to accelerate growth
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