HG Enhanced Salesforce Integration for More Precise Targeting

Synergy is defined as two entities working together in such a way that “the result of the combined action is greater than expected as a simple additive combination of the two agents acting separately.” In other words, 1 + 1 = 3.

The HG Insights Salesforce Connector integration is an example of such a synergy, creating significant value for customers by combining the strengths of HG Insights’ data-driven insights with Salesforce’s widely-used, robust reporting and dashboard tools.

The updated HG Insights Salesforce Connector empowers users to create hyper-targeted sales approaches and make better business decisions by connecting HG Insights’ high-quality, customizable company data (technology intelligence, firmographics, and more) to a Salesforce organization. For customers, this integration unlocks powerful insights about which companies are the most likely to buy their offerings, as well as unlocking new business opportunities by importing accounts that use specific products or accumulate a specific level of IT spend.

“For today’s sales and marketing teams, Salesforce serves as the center of their whole universe,” says Darcy Moss, HG Insights’ Director of Product Marketing. “It’s their operational system. So by connecting HG Insights’ high-quality data over to Salesforce, we’re giving sales and marketing professionals access to so much quality data for better account targeting. It’s just operationalizing all of that data to drive improved outcomes.”

Operationalize Quality Data, Drive Quality Results 

HG Insights gives its customers access to industry-leading, quality datasets, including broad coverage with access to 12 million companies and 15,000+ installed technologies. The HG Salesforce Connector enables customers to share and operationalize all of HG Insights’ high-quality data across teams within a Salesforce organization.

Sales and marketing professionals want to turn data into insights that lead to better actions and outcomes,” says Moss. “They want to accurately identify and engage target accounts. Well, the HG Insights Salesforce Connector enables them to access and effectively leverage the quality, customizable data they’ve purchased from HG Insights to better target prospects, and then move their lists into Salesforce.”

Salesforce Connector Integration Benefits

The HG Insights Salesforce Connector integration can show users which technology products and level of spend a prospective customer has, right in the Salesforce platform, empowering them to:

  • Identify and reach prospects most likely to buy much earlier in the buying journey, even before competitors are aware of the prospect’s interest
  • Run hyper-targeted campaigns to dynamic audiences, driven by insights about which companies will benefit most from your solution, whether your solution is complementary or competitive to whatever tech the prospect already has
  • Equip and enable sales teams to target companies with the highest propensity to buy

“What we’ve done is create a better, more seamless customer targeting capability via the HG Insights Salesforce Connector. Rather than have a standalone list to push into Salesforce, customers can first put their list into the HG platform process, where they can access all of our high-quality, customizable data and leverage it to build a better list before pushing it into Salesforce,” said Moss. “It’s not just a list-building process: it’s data enrichment, getting the right matching, and using all of our data to target the accounts most likely to buy from you before pushing the list over into Salesforce.”

Importantly, the HG Insights Salesforce Connector is an easy-to-use integration with a quick setup that’s almost like pushing a button. You can quickly and easily access and leverage the high-quality data HG Insights, the data most relevant for targeting companies most likely to purchase your offerings, and then operationalize that data in Salesforce.

Salesforce Connector Features

  • Data Refresh and Enrichment: Data refreshes automatically on a nightly cadence, or users can select not to automatically refresh data. Data is also enriched via updates and database syncs
  • Quick-start Support: Access our services that support training so you can get your people up and running quickly with setup in Salesforce
  • Integration Lists for Matched Records: Once matching is complete, users can see which Salesforce accounts were matched to accounts in the HG Platform
  • Ability to Add Production and Sandbox Organizations: Users can connect and manage multiple Sandbox and Production organizations through the HG Platform, allowing them to perform quality assurance on the companies that will be matched with selected data


The bottom line: Whether you’re trying to decide which companies will be the best fit for your product or solution, seeking to uncover new business opportunities, or simply want to provide your teams with the highest quality data, the HG Insights Salesforce Connector will significantly improve your sales targeting and outcomes.

To learn more about the HG Insights Salesforce Connector and how it can add value to what you do, access the full press release.